The Path of the Ahuacán. In ancient times, an elder receives a vision of the Payé’s tear, a symbol of hope and liberation. Inspired by this vision, he rises against his oppressors, sparking a revolt that frees the enslaved from their chains. This event marks the beginning of what is known as «The Last March of the Ahuacán.»

Upon learning of the uprising led by the last Ahuacán, other groups of slaves also rise in rebellion. United in their struggle, they gather in the forest and form a vast army, marching with determination towards the Temple, where the dormant power of the Payé lies.

The last Ahuacán and his brave warriors finally reach the sacred Temple Tumahtepec, a place accessible only to the elder according to ancient traditions. While his army, despite being outnumbered, heroically battles the invaders, the elder enters the temple. There, he throws the Payé’s tear into the lava pit, slowly reactivating the ancient machinery that had lain dormant for centuries.

With his mission fulfilled, the elder peacefully surrenders to the invading forces, thus preventing further bloodshed. Although he is condemned to the gallows, before facing his tragic fate, he meets a young boy with the power and faith needed to become the next priest. In that moment, the elder realizes that his mission is complete. In a final act of sacrifice, he transfers all his remaining power to the boy just as the executioner carries out his grim duty, thus closing the circle of his existence.

My Role

Composer / Sound Designer / Foley / Voice Director 






  • The player starts their turn with 6 random cards.
  • The enemy starts with 2 cards, 3 in the next turn, 4 in the following, and so on.
  • To advance to the next turn, all enemy cards must be eliminated.
  • The player obtains cards through: Loot chests, spending life, using character abilities.
  • The player’s heroes are represented by the cards, and there are three basic hero cards: Jaguar Warrior – Priestess – Payé Sage.
  • There are also three basic enemy types: Zombie – Animal Specter – Conquistador.

Core Game Mechanics:

  • Jaguar Warrior: Eliminates any enemy type or any number of Conquistadors.
  • Reanimator: Eliminates any enemy type or any number of Zombies.
  • Payé Sage: Eliminates any enemy type or any number of Animal Specters.

Additionally, the game includes other Special Heroes, like the god Huehuecoyote and the Inca Sun Warrior. These heroes share a common ability to open loot chests.
Each hero has a unique ability, making them distinct.
Each time the player plays a card, it is discarded.
The player has a life bar, and if it reaches zero, they lose the game.
If the player does not eliminate all enemies, they can still advance to the next turn, but any remaining enemy cards will attack the player and inflict damage. Afterward, the enemy cards will be discarded, and if the player is still alive, the next turn will begin.
The game includes items to attack, heal, etc.
The player can spend life to obtain a «wild card,» which can be transformed into any card the player needs.

The game offers a unique and authentic experience, being based on pre-Columbian mythology of indigenous Latin American cultures. The game’s characters faithfully reflect the ethnic phenotype of each culture, but with fantasy and epic elements in their clothing and weaponry, giving them a unique and striking appearance.
Additionally, the game’s sound design is exceptional, using indigenous instruments to create a tribal atmosphere. The game also incorporates voices in indigenous dialects for the heroes and in Spanish for the enemies, adding a touch of authenticity and realism to the experience.
Another distinguishing element is the implementation of empire management features, similar to those found in some strategy games. This allows the player to build and improve their empire while battling enemies, adding an extra layer of strategy and depth to the game.
In summary, the unique combination of pre-Columbian mythology, authentic sound design, and empire management elements make this game a unique and exciting experience for players looking for something different and authentic in their games.


In the short term, the player battles level by level, seeking to obtain items, “payé sparks” (stars), and payé points.
Once enough payé has been accumulated, the medium-term objective is to rebuild the empire by restoring the abandoned city. Spending stars will allow buildings to be constructed that provide upgrades, such as increased life points, a larger hand of cards, item purchases, etc. These upgrades are key to progressing through the levels and pushing back the enemy, advancing towards the final stronghold of evil, which is the player’s long-term goal.


The game aims to immerse the player in a dark and dangerous world, presenting the invaders as the absolute personification of evil. The goal is to generate a sense of oppression and hopelessness, while also promoting a sense of epic sacrifice and hope to save the world.

The aim is to create precise phenotypic traits for the indigenous ethnicities each hero represents. The player should be able to identify the hero’s ethnicity just by looking at their faces. Additionally, the goal is to create an epic narrative, breaking away from the idea of the “weak and defeated native.”

In terms of the interface, we aim to make the pre-Columbian Latin American aesthetic easily recognizable, with its shapes and figures, while maintaining a minimalist tone.
We also aim to minimize the use of menus, instead attempting to use in-game elements to enhance the experience. For example, the city view with its buildings will function as a «skill tree,» where each constructed building grants the player an upgrade.

In terms of sound, the goal is to create a musical experience that appeals to instruments used by indigenous ethnic groups, including strings, percussion, and wind instruments. The aim is to generate a tribal and folkloric sound that conveys the essence of these cultures.
In addition, modern elements like electric guitars will be incorporated to give the game an aggressive and exciting feel. The intention is to create a mix of tribal and modern sounds that feels aggressive and cool while maintaining the authenticity of tribal instruments. In summary, the goal is to offer a unique musical experience that complements the gameplay experienc









The game consists of a card-based battle, where each card represents a hero with special abilities and powers, and the goal is to eliminate as many enemy cards as possible. If the player manages to eliminate all of the enemy’s cards, they advance to the next turn, where an extra card is added to the opponent’s hand, meaning the opponent reappears with stronger attack power in each new hand. This creates an asymmetry in the game, as the player’s strategy is to carefully manage their hand of cards, which becomes increasingly scarce.
If the player cannot eliminate an enemy card, the player will take damage, and the enemy card will be removed. The player loses the game if their life reaches zero. If the player reaches the final hand and wins, they obtain treasures.



  • Protective Spirit: Warriors can be protectors of their community, family, or friends, often willing to risk their lives to defend others.
  • Physical and Mental Strength: Warriors are known for their great strength, capable of enduring extreme situations and overcoming obstacles with determination and perseverance.
  • Focus on Victory: Willing to take risks and face fears to achieve victory.
  • Independence: Although warriors can work in teams, they are also capable of acting independently and making crucial decisions in moments of crisis.
  • Mechanics: The warrior draws all their power from physical strength and usually lacks magical attributes.

REANIMATOR (Maria Uicab)


  • Armor and Shield: Occasionally, clerics may wear heavy armor and shields to protect themselves and their companions in battle.
  • Sacred Knowledge: Clerics have a deep understanding of their religion and mythology, often serving as guardians of sacred texts and traditions.
  • Community Spirit: A cleric is deeply involved in their community’s life and may act as a leader or counselor.
  • Mechanics: Reanimation. The Reanimator can turn a Zombie into a Jaguar Warrior. This ability should be visually represented in the character, intuitively suggesting their power over life and death/reanimation.



  • Knowledge and Wisdom: The mage excels in knowledge and wisdom, accessing abilities others cannot, and using them to help or achieve personal goals.
  • Isolation and Solitude: Often, the mage leads a solitary life, separated from society due to their unique knowledge and skills.
  • Responsibility and Ethics: The mage has a significant responsibility toward others and the world, using their powers with wisdom and ethics to avoid harm or unintended consequences.
  • Mechanics: Acts as the group’s healer.



  • Treasure Hunting: Rogues are often experts in finding hidden treasures and valuable objects.
  • Agility: Rogues are agile, able to climb walls, jump long distances, and evade obstacles.
  • Close Combat: They excel in close combat, using daggers, short swords, or knives to inflict damage.
  • Traps and Tricks: Rogues utilize traps and tricks like poison, spike traps, or smoke bombs to aid in combat.
  • Humor: This character adds humor to the team, similar to Rocket Raccoon (Guardians of the Galaxy).
  • Mechanics: Can open chests during combat. This is a special character unlocked during the game.

DAUGHTER OF THE SUN (Charan Cori Coca)


  • Honor and Justice: Paladins are known for their strong sense of honor and justice, always striving to do what is right.
  • Physical and Magical Protection: Paladins wear heavy armor and wield large weapons, providing high defense and combat power. Their armor protects them from both physical and magical attacks.
  • Devotion: Paladins have deep devotion to a cause or deity, acting accordingly to defend their faith and people.
  • Mechanics: Can open chests during combat and is the strongest character in the game. This is a special character unlocked during gameplay.



  • Ki: Monks use internal energy called Ki to channel their martial and supernatural abilities, such as healing and temporary invisibility.
  • Mental Discipline: Masters of meditation and mental control, monks can resist fear, confusion, and other battlefield mental effects.
  • Monastic Vows: Some monks take vows of poverty, chastity, or service, granting special abilities and restricting their behavior in certain areas.
  • Mechanics: After defeating an enemy, the Necromancer restores a bit of life to the player (could also restore life and Payé). This is a special character unlocked during gameplay.

Musical Description for «Ahuacan»

In the soundtrack for «Ahuacan», a card game that pays tribute to rich pre-Columbian culture, I have seamlessly blended the sounds of ancient Mesoamerica with contemporary musical elements. The composition combines traditional instruments such as the Nazca trumpet and bone and Chincha quenas, along with male tribal vocals (featuring Claudio Cesar Romano) that evoke the spirit and mystique of ancient civilizations.

These organic elements intertwine with modern sounds and atmospheres, using synthesizers and pads to create a unique auditory experience. The procedural music technique, implemented through FMOD software, allows the music to dynamically evolve throughout the game, adapting to the player’s actions and decisions. This integration of traditional and modern techniques not only honors cultural heritage but also adds a new sonic dimension to the world of «Ahuacan».

                            Trompeta Nazca

                          Quena de Hueso

                          Quena Chincha

                           HORIZONTAL LAYERING

                                             PROCEDURAL AUDIO WITH FMOD

                                                           S F X   a n d   V o i c e s


Crédits: Ezequiel Rague: Narrative Designer – Game Designer / Daniel Ontivero: Art / Claudio (Kádix) Goncalves Fleita: Developer / Company: Lunfardo Creaciones